16 "Author: Elliot Masina (masina.elliot@hotmail.fr)\n"
18 "Repository: https://github.com/bobis33/VEngine\n"
19 "Documentation: https://bobis33.github.io/VEngine\n";
23 " --help, -h Show this help message and exit\n"
24 " --version, -v Show version information and exit\n"
25 " --fullscreen, -f Enable fullscreen mode\n"
26 " --vsync, -V Enable vertical sync\n"
27 " --width <value> Set the width of the window (e.g., 800)\n"
28 " --height <value> Set the height of the window (e.g., 600)\n"
29 " --fov <value> Set the field of view (1.0 to 300.0)\n"
30 " --mspeed <value> Set the move speed (0.1 to 100.0)\n"
31 " --lspeed <value> Set the look speed (0.1 to 100.0)\n"
32 " --near <value> Set the near plane (0.1 to 100.0)\n"
33 " --far <value> Set the far plane (0.1 to 100.0)\n";
constexpr auto VERSION_MESSAGE
constexpr auto HELP_MESSAGE