Welcome to VEngine, a Vulkan-based game engine.
I Build this project to learn more about Vulkan and graphics programming in general. The goal is to create an efficient engine that can be used for various projects, such as games, simulations, and visualizations.
Before building the project, make sure you update the submodules:
Make sure you have the following dependencies installed on your system:
If you are using a Debian-based distribution, you can install the dependencies using the following command:
This script also handle several other commands:
Then you can run the engine:
I build the project with CLion, also works with Visual Studio. I'm using the Visual studio toolchain with ninja.
You should create your own CMake profile depending on your configuration. Basic configuration should run the following commands:
Then you can run the engine:
The following command-line options are available:
Option | Description |
--help , -h | Show help message and exit |
--version , -v | Show version information and exit |
--fullscreen , -f | Enable fullscreen mode |
--vsync , -V | Enable vertical sync |
--width <value> | Set the width of the window (e.g., 800) |
--height <value> | Set the height of the window (e.g., 600) |
--fov <value> | Set the field of view (1.0 to 300.0) |
--mspeed <value> | Set the move speed (0.1 to 100.0) |
--lspeed <value> | Set the look speed (0.1 to 100.0) |
--near <value> | Set the near plane (0.1 to 100.0) |
--far <value> | Set the far plane (0.1 to 100.0) |
The following keyboard controls are currently available for interacting with the engine:
Key | Description |
Z | Move forward |
S | Move backward |
Q | Move left |
D | Move right |
SHIFT | Move down |
SPACE | Move up |
↑ | Look up |
↓ | Look down |
← | Look left |
→ | Look right |
à | Show debug windows |
The documentation is generated using Doxygen. You can access the latest version on the GitHub Pages.
To generate the documentation locally, run the following command:
The generated documentation will be available in the docs
You can also run the following command to host the documentation locally:
Then you can access the documentation at http://localhost:8080.
These libraries are included directly into the project to simplify dependency management. Be sure to initialize and update the submodules when cloning the repository:
Commit Type | Description |
build | Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (npm, make, etc.) |
ci | Changes related to integration files and scripts or configuration (Travis, Ansible, BrowserStack, etc.) |
feat | Addition of a new feature |
fix | Bug fix |
perf | Performance improvements |
refactor | Modification that neither adds a new feature nor improves performance |
style | Change that does not affect functionality or semantics (indentation, formatting, adding space, renaming a variable, etc.) |
docs | Writing or updating documentation |
test | Addition or modification of tests |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Special thanks to Brendan Galea for inspiration and resources related to Vulkan development.